God answered "yes" this year!!! 10 days before Christmas I received an email that Twiggy Four's file is waiting to be translated to English then it's off to the Director's desk to be approved. After that, it will be sent to our agency for us to accept his referral, then it's back overseas to wait for travel approval. I am so excited to know for sure that his file is being worked on. I was always worried that somehow his would have been lost in the shuffle and when this mysterious package of files finally arrives, his wouldn't be in it. And the next best news is that the Director of Social Workers personally looked into his case (since his assigned social worker never responded), so someone higher up knows that there is a family waiting. Hopefully that will speed things up a bit.
My photo album is getting quite full since my friend at the orphanage keeps sending me pictures. We just received new ones today of the New Year party they had. He got to participate in the parade and enjoyed watching the races (of what, I don't know). The princess came to visit them a few weeks ago and they had a big party. With all the exciting parties he has, I'm almost afraid he'll be bored once he gets home. LOL!
Another piece of good news is that our son's country has reopened to healthy applications. That MUST mean that the priority special needs files will soon be here. Right?!
Twiggy Four will be 5 on February 1. So, I'm going to put out a fleece and pray that his file is here by his birthday. God may say no, but I'm going to ask anyway!!!
Click Here to read the post introducing Twiggy Bear