Yippee! The social worker called tonight to schedule our homestudy for next Tuesday morning. She said she'll have it written up and back to our agency within a couple of days. Wow! Now that's what I like to see. Our agency told us last Monday to let them know if we hadn't heard from the social worker by Friday. I called this morning and had to leave a message. No response by lunchtime, so I called again and our contact person was gone for the day. Argh! The receptionist said she'd call the social worker. By 5 p.m. tonight I had given up hope. At 6:30 p.m. she called!!! We had a good chat on the phone and I like her a lot. Twiggy Two and Three are out of school next week due to parent-teacher conferences so they'll get to be here. We'll have to work on getting Twiggy One out of school for the morning. She has class pictures that day so we'll see... The twigs don't have to be here, but the social worker said she likes to talk with them a bit and I'd like them to be a part of the process.
Ah, now I'm excited...things are a happenin'!
Mama Branch
Woo Hoo! Can't wait to hear how it goes. We'll be praying for you.