Sunday, September 18, 2011

Adventures of Twiggy Bear: Camping

Well, Mama B. has been really, really bad about updating the blog.

My last big adventure for the summer was camping.

And here is the big green boat...

And my siblings and their friends...

Mama is homeschooling all three Twigs this year so she has been busy writing learning plans and getting organized.  She also got invited to join the mission team to Twiggy Four's country again this year.  She wasn't going to go because she thought they would be getting him soon, but since that hasn't happened she is able to go on the trip.  She leaves in 2 1/2 weeks.  Oh, and she's organizing a children's outreach event at church that is one week after she gets home.  She's nuts!

The files the adoption agency has been waiting for have still not arrived so there's no news to tell.  Mama is very frustrated.

Twiggy Four's immigration paperwork expires next week so Mr. Branch and Mama have to drive up to Yakima to get their fingerprints re-done.  Mama doesn't understand that one.  She says her fingerprints haven't changed!  You could pray that that all works out because the appointment they were given is in October which is after the expiration date (besides Mama will be overseas).  Mama has to make phone calls tomorrow to ask if they can "walk-in" ASAP.  It would not be good for the paperwork to expire.