With the news of a referral possibly coming soon, we have decided to do a fundraiser to help cover our remaining costs. I will also be applying for some grants once we have a referral in hand.
I am really excited about the "Money Savings Card" you see below. It is an online savings card that offers cashback as well as up to 75% off purchases. There are 100's of retailers including Macy's, Target, I-Tunes and more. And the really neat thing is that it costs $10 and purchasers receive an instant credit of $10 in their account once they download the shopping wizard. That means it's essentially free!!! And if you know me, you know I love getting things for free! You can read more about it here:
I'm not usually one to ask for money (ask my parents!), but this time I am asking people to purchase this card. It's a win-win for everyone involved. We make $8 for every card purchased.
If you're interested, please click on the "Chip In" button on the right sidebar and make sure to leave me a message with your mailing address so I can mail you your card. "Chip In" uses PayPal so it's secure.
It would also be great if you could share this with your church family and friends who might be interested.
Thanks so much for following our journey. Hopefully (prayerfully) we'll have news soon!
Mama Branch
P.S. In the unlikely event our adoption plans are cancelled, funds will be donated to friends of ours who are in a legal battle to retain their domestically adopted children.